A plethora of POI icons
Posted on 11 March 2021 by Marissa Ding

With the new release of LockOnMe, you can now enjoy a fresh assortment of HD icons for your Points Of Interest (POIs).
From the tedious ones
(who needs sleeping anyway?...), to the exciting
or intriguing
if not downright bizarre ones
(I mean...??) — these icons are designed to mark the location of your POIs
on maps.

When creating a POI, give it a name, add a note if you need to, as well as a link to a picture online if you feel like it, and pick an icon from one of the categories below:
- Places
- Navigation
- Transport
- Nature
- Tactical
On maps, you may notice that some of the POI icons will come with either a blue or red marker wrapper:

This is to help you quickly sort out which POIs belong to your own target, as opposed to the POIS coming from the targets which you are tracking.
If the wrapper is blue, it's one of yours: that POI is associated with your connected target. And so by contrast, red means it's associated with another target.
If the wrapper is blue, it's one of yours: that POI is associated with your connected target. And so by contrast, red means it's associated with another target.
Now in the case of tactical POIs, because red and blue would have a different meaning in that kind of context, the marker wrappers are all grey, and the POIs associated with your connected target will carry a star:

What to make of all this? Not only you can use these icons to facilitate your mundane outgoings...

... you are also at liberty of introducing some uplifting fantasy.
Where did I leave my
, already?
Where did I leave my

Let me know if you managed to spot one of these, also:

And I guess it would be fun to really have to use this icon:
But hey, the world doesn't have to be a bad place all the time; this elusive creature for example is mostly friendly, and is even known for bounding with special, good-hearted humans:

Now get to your POIs, and happy tracking!